Thursday, August 29, 2013

High School Reunion

I recently attended my High School Reunion.

I really did not want to go. When I first received the notification of the event I had no intention on attending.
I an an introvert and a private person. I did not have a ton of "friends" when I was in High School. Most of my thoughts about that time seem to touch on the idea of a popularity contest.

Since that is NOT something I succeed at, I usually try to avoid them (popularity contests). I also use my emotional protective skills and diminish any value to things associated with them.

However, I did decide to go. I registered. Paid my fees. Put it on the calendar.

As the days drew closer to the actual events I found myself dreading the whole idea more and more. On the day of the first mixer I had to actually make myself go through the motions of getting ready and going. I was VERY resistant.

"I didn't want to be with those people when I was in HS, why would I want to spend any time with them now?"

Anyway, I made it to the mixer and stood in the corner barely talking with anyone. Sure I had a few forced conversations but I was a complete emotional wreck.

I made it to the school the next day to attend the tour. Again I was very uncomfortable with the whole scenario.

I had to go home and take a nap because I was exhausted and the big dinner event was that night.

If you haven't figured it out yet, let me just say I was still dreading this whole reunion thing and I did not want to be a part of it. But yet I was overcoming my own bad attitude and doing what needed to be done to get there.

On the way to the big dinner thing I was analyzing why I was having such a negative emotional response to MY reunion. If this were any other business meeting or family gathering or spouse's reunion etc I would be perfectly fine. I would be able to walk up to a complete stranger and begin a conversation and feel absolutely comfortable.

Then it occurred to me ... I didn't have the material things I felt I should to be "successful". I didn't have a fabulous job title to impress anyone with. I didn't have some special activity that I was involved with that was changing peoples lives.

I felt intimidated, inferior, incompetant, and like a failure.
What a revelation!

I thought I had dealt with those feelings long ago.
I thought I had made significant progress in overcoming my insecurities.
Apparently not!

So now I get to work on my self image and value some more.
I am not what I drive.
I am not where I work or my job title.
I am not the value of where I live (dwelling, neighborhood, community)
I am not the clothes I wear.
I am not my church or ministry.
I am not my children's decisions or actions.

I am who I am - made by God and for God.
My identity is in Jesus Christ and Him alone.

I am thankful now that I went to that reunion. It moved me into an uncomfortable area and the result is greater awareness of my own areas of opportunity for growth.

What is an area that you are working on or a story about a time when you experienced a "growth" moment.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Richness In Depth

I recently witnessed a beautiful sunrise.
The darkness of the night sky on the horizon was broached by a thin strip of deep pink and gray.
As the not very wide strip of light began to edge westward across the sky it was rich and thick with color.
The contrast of the dark on either side of the line of pink made the color seem more brilliant and vibrant.
I was thinking how beautiful it was to watch. I also anticipated how gorgeous it was going to be as the sun continued to rise and the rich color spread across the sky.

But to my surprise, as the light spread across the horizon it diluted its beauty.

That is when the thought struck me: There is a richness that only comes with depth.

When we spread ourselves too thin, we lose.
Now I understand we need to diversify. I understand life forces us to multi-task just to get through an ordinary day. I am not diminishing or disregarding that aspect of our life and culture.

What I was reminded of by this beautiful visual message from God is that some things are only experienced by having a depth of knowledge, understanding, and perspective.

Somethings God has for us are not available "in the shallow end of the pool".

It is wonderful to have hundreds of friends. But it doesn't compare to having 1 friend with shared experiences and memories created during a 30 year relationship. It's not the same as having a best friend who fully knows you and fully accepts you for who you are, as you are. It's not the same as having 1 person that you can be completely vulnerable with and accountable to.

Over the years and in various jobs I have worked I have experienced the same principle. Some times there are situations that can only be dealt with successfully by someone with a depth of knowledge and experience that others lack.

This principle can apply in so many areas. Tell my how it fits in your life

What is the area that you need to focus on right now to gain that kind of depth?
Is it a relationship with your spouse or other family member?
Is it developing a skill set associated with your job/career?
Is it ....

I would love to hear your story and the challenge you face